
The following is an analysis of the global Spotify streaming data from January 1, 2017 to June 30, 2019. In order to see global trends the data has been filtered to the top 600 songs globally and then further filtered to include songs which have a minimum stream contribution from the United States of 10% and a maximum of 35%. This is to ensure that US songs do not dominate results, but also to ensure they are mainstream in the US.

The visualizations are interactive so feel free to move your mouse over top of the charts and click on the legends. A desktop browser should be used for best results.

Top 10 Analysis

How quickly does a country adopt new songs after release and keep thos songs in its top 10?

  • 218Top Global songs analyzed
  • 96Of those tracks ranked in the global Top 10
  • 53 Average days in top 10
  • 14 Average days to reach top 10
The list can be broken four groups realative to the USA and Global average:

  • Freshers - Countries who adopt a song quickly and move on
  • Laggards - Countries who are slow to adopt a song
  • Love you long time - Countries who love a song for a long time
  • Main group - countries who more or less follow the global trend
  • US of A - The USA could also be clustered with the fresher group

The size of the circle indicates the number of songs which made it to the country's top 10. Hover over a circle to see detailed data or select a country group to highlight those countries. It is interesting that of the songs included in this filter (global songs attributed 10-35% to the US), only 96 made it to the global top 10 position and only 66 made it to the USA top 10 position. Songs may have been listed to in large quantities globaly, but may not have made the top ten for that country. Therefore to be successful a song does not nessasarily need to reach the top 10 in any one country or even globally if at least a portion of every country is listening to that song.

Top Song Analysis

Select songs from the global top 100 to see how popularity changes over time by both the number of streams and song ranking. Notice that more streams may still come from countries where the song did not make it into the top 10. Some songs are played throughout the entire analysis period while others make a quick impact and then exit stage left. Many songs start in the top 10 on first release without any build up.

Dive In

Dive in and review the top songs for each country by clicking on the circles. For those top songs see how the streams and position for that country hold up against the global and top countries for that song. In this top 10 analysis plot the circles are sized according to the total number of streams for a country. The larger the number of streams, the greater influence that country has on the global top ten rankings.